Mershon Genealogy

Our Mershon Association Genealogist is Pam Caffrey, 232 Momar Drive, Ramsey, NJ 07446; Email: [email protected]; Cell Phone: (201) 739-2308. We have over 35,000 individual records in our Mershon genealogy database going back to 1685. Contact Pam if you have updates to share or want to know what is in our genealogy database for your Mershon family line. For submitting updates, please include names, birth dates, marriage dates, death dates and the places these events happened to the best of your knowledge.

The “Mershon Association Genealogy Group” set up by Pam on Facebook now has 143 members.  Check it out!

For privacy reasons, our Genealogist does not release information on living persons outside your immediate family (grandparents, parents, siblings, children, spouses) without their written consent, unless the subject persons would be over 110 years old. This is the guideline followed by the genealogy website.

The Mershon Association volunteer genealogist Pam Caffrey would like to receive updates to your family tree so she can incorporate them into the master Mershon Association genealogy database. Contact Pam with any questions about your family’s information. And remember, she is a volunteer and also works a full time job, so be patient on responses.

Pam Caffrey
232 Momar Dr,  Ramsey, NJ 07446
[email protected]

©2024 and all prior years Mershon Family Association